WordPress Temp Block : 63/100

Is there a block for the new WordPress editor that acts as a temporary holder?

What I am looking for is a block that holds a space for an image to be added later. I add the block then add some text describing the image. There is a visible button in the block that says something like: “Convert to Image block”, and the entire box as a different coloring to make it stand out. Later I come back and click the button. The block converts to an image, the text is added to the Alt tag, and the Image Block option buttons appear. I select my image and publish the document.

If any temp blocks exist in a post then the post cannot be published. This could be adapted to serve as a placeholder for quotes, links, videos, etc.

Is there something like this out there already? I have searched but nothing even close comes up. It seems like most blocks are for final publishing, nothing for pre publishing seems to be available.

I know I can create a block by myself and am looking into that, but why reinvent the wheel if something already exists like this. I think this would be useful as it would allow me to continue the writing process without stopping to find the image, then crop, optimize, upload, and adjust it. I could leave one of these and keep on writing.

Later when I am reviewing the post I will see the temp block and replace it with the image or whatever else it was place holding. There would be no danger of publishing the post with the temp text as the block prevents the post from being published if it still exists.

If you know of something like this please let me know. If you want to help me build this I am open to any advice and recommendations. If you think this is a bad idea please let me know why.


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