Turning Pedals Tuesday

One of the first things my dad did when I got into racing bikes was make me learn how to maintain my bike. He did it out of necessity as bike shops are expensive but it was also a great way to get me to show my commitment. I am not a great mechanic but I can fix a lot of things on a bike. One thing that is always fun is putting better equipment on your bike:

Workout details:

Straight forward workout today: ride for 1.5 hours around level 2 heart rate. So I took a left out the driveway and went for 11 miles and then turned around and came home.

Had the regular North West headwind going out, with a nice push back home. People often ask if I am afraid on the country roads around here. There are a lot of large pickup trucks, dump trucks, cement trucks, and semi trailers driving around. The interesting thing is that those vehicles either go across the double yellow lines to give me space, or slow down so when passing me. They are great people and maybe 1 in 50 is kinda a jerk.

Its not as peaceful as riding somewhere more remote or on a trail in the forest, but I can ride from my door to hundreds of miles in each direction. It makes it easy to decide to get a workout as well. I just get on my bike and go.

Oh and there is a herd of bison just up the road:


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