Body-weight Wednesday

Listening to:

Fitbit story of how it came to be on How I built that. Fun listen about the start of a big brand that got clobbered by the Apple Watch.

Product Strategy from the Rework podcast. Always interesting to hear how people design and build things. One take away for me here is setting hard time frames for a product and if it isn’t working by the deadline evaluating if it should be continued or not. Hard to do but critical for success in creating profitable products and services.


Workout Details:

Bodyweight routine as on Monday. Feeling pretty good about things with this workout. My main focus is getting my pull-up to 3 sets of 8 reps by the end of July. I have a ways to go but its been a goal for a few years now and I just need to commit to it and make it happen.

Its another beautiful day here in Colorado. Hoping its nice in your area too!


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