So it begins! 1/100

Big day, today! Its day 1 of the 100 days of blogging challenge. I have reached out to my coworkers to join me in writing a blog post everyday for 100 days. We start today, May 1st 2020, and continue till August 9th, 2020.

So far these are the other sites involved in the challenge:
Jon’s Fitness Blog

Shelby DeNike


As the challenge progresses I will be highlighting various posts from these sites and anyone else who takes up the challenge with us. You don’t have to do the full 100 but it’d be a lot cooler if you did!

We also have a step challenge happening for the month of May at work which I am participating in. To start that off I went for a leisurely 1 mile stroll before my morning workout.


This is a good challenge as writing is a good habit to practice. While I keep a journal, what I write there is just for me. Publishing something for anyone in the world to see puts a little more pressure to make it something worth reading, maybe. My personal goal here is to make writing about parts of my life for others to read about into a routine. There is a chance I will also improve my grammar.


I work at a remote company and thought this would be a great way to get to know my coworkers better. Yes we have Slack for instant communication, but in the end Slack is a tool for work. Sure we post personal photos, share links, and talk about personal things, but that only happens when I am working. I have found that restricting Slack usage to working hours is an essential activity.

A blog post on my own website is a personal place that I feel comfortable sitting with anytime. In the morning I write about my workout and maybe a podcast or music I have listened to. During the work day I might throw a link into a draft to remind me to come back to it later. After work I sit for a few minutes here and there to have something ready to review and publish in the morning before work.

The snapshot of my life that is shared here is a more complete picture than the one I share on Slack for 8 hours during the work week. Having other coworkers do the same should help gain additional insight into who they are and what is going on in their world.


I have a rough idea of the format that these posts will take:

  1. I start with some discussion about what is happening in my world in general.
  2. There is a section of what I am listening to, from music to podcasts to audiobooks.
  3. There is a section of what I am watching, mostly youtube videos related to cycling.
  4. The final section will cover the workout I did that morning. (As an added bonus this helps keep me motivated to get those workouts done.)

This will evolve as the challenge progresses.

Whats happening:

Today is Friday so I am thinking about the weekend, duh. I will get in a couple of longer bike rides this weekend. I am also going to help out a friend by doing some work on her vegetable farm for a couple hours each day. I did an internship with her a few years back for one summer and that is what brought us to the area. Kelli is a great friend and it will be a nice distraction.

On our land we are getting plans figured out for adding drywall to our cabin. Once that is done we will install an off grid solar system so that we will have power for lights and appliances. There is an idea of maybe spending next winter here.

Grassland looking to the east.

I have also been watering the yard just outside our parking spot. We made a 60′ radius circular driveway and the center of that makes up the ‘yard’. Of course the rest of the land is just a huge yard but we aren’t trying to water all of that. There is also discussion of setting up Kate with an herb garden.


This came up in my Apple Music feed during my workout this morning and I looped it at least 30 times.


Learning blender for making a mockup of the cabin so we can play around with design ideas. This program is awesome and challenging, but awesome.

Workout Details:

Today is a strength day so I did the recommended routine again. Had a nice break through on the pull ups today and did 3 sets of 3 with varying hand grips. Did neutral, wide, and finished with reverse (aka chin ups). Felt ok about the Neutral ones, the wide ones started strong, and the chin ups were 100%. The rest of the workout was good but I lost motivation on the core exercises at the end. I did half of them.


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