Core then TGIF

Featured Image from Dustin CC BY-NC 2.0

Happy Friday! Tomorrow we drive the trailer north to our land in Southwest Colorado. Getting pretty excited about that. Tomorrow we will drive about 6.5 hours to Cameron AZ just north of Flagstaff. Its a trading post/gas station town near the east entrance to the Grand Canyon.

We have stopped there a few times over the years as its about halfway between where our land is and Phoenix. While there is an RV park to stay at it is horribly unlevel and a little small for our 30 foot travel trailer.

The owners actually recommended that we just park in an overflow lot a few years ago. So that is what we do everytime. Its not totally level but we park so that our heads are higher than our feet when sleeping and its good for one night.

Workout Details:

Today is a 30 min Core workout and a 30 min easy ride. For the Core I have a 20 minute Ab routine on Audible that makes me wimper and cry only a few times. That’s how you know its good. 😂

I survived and then did a 10 minute Yoga routine that was nice and relaxing.

The ride will happen after work and will be nice and easy.

See y’all manana!


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