Long ride

Last day in Tubac before the two day drive to Mancos Colorado where we will spend the summer. It’s getting hot here in southern Arizona and after spending 17 years in Phoenix I’m all set for 95+ days.

I listened to a few podcasts on today’s 2 hour ride. The one I really enjoyed was the Ted Radio Hour titled Meditations on Loneliness. It had a few stories from various perspectives about how loneliness affects us and how we can cope. I enjoyed the one about the family taking on a 100 day challenge for a few reasons. The one on the CoLiving space was also fascinating.

I’ve read a few articles discussing that remote workers suffer from loneliness more than their office dwelling brethren and it seems obvious to me for a few reasons. Clearly the physical interaction of an office creates more intimate and spontaneous conversations and interactions. Is it possible to recreate some of this in digital environment?

Workout details:

2 hour ride in your level 2 heart rate zone. We are still in a recovery week so the rides are a little shorter and easier this weekend. This is basically a low effort ride aimed at cardio training and keeping the muscles moving. If you don’t have a heart rate monitor it’s a ride that is you sweating a little bit you could easily carry on a conversation the whole time.

I rode south further than I have before and took a left up a steep hill into a neighborhood. It was a great ride and got me prepared for spending 7 hours driving.


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