Nice touch Gutenburg : 66/100

I had been playing around with the new WordPress editor, called Gutenberg, since it was officially released with WP 5.0. Since the beginning it made sense that the WordPress editor needed an update. Compared to using other web apps like Facebook or Squarespace the WP editor was a relic.

Since I started the 100 days of blogging challenge 65 days ago I have been writing in the new editor everyday and there are a few things that I have come to enjoy:

  • Title change also updates the permalink
    • When you change the title of a post it also updates the permalink. This used to be 2 separate edits and its nice to have it as one action now.
  • Copy a URL, Select text, paste, link created
    • Creating a link is super easy. Copy the URL you want to use for a link, select the text you want to convert to a link, and paste. Done.
  • Pretty much everything about adding an image.
    • The initial steps of adding an image are not much different. You choose between uploading an image or selecting from the media library. Once you select the image there are a lot more options available. I am a big fan of the full page image option, but it is easy to move the image around the page too.
  • Writing space that is conductive to creativity
    • A cluttered workspace is not conducive to creativity. This is applicable to an editor as much as a desk. The new editor is clean and simple. I have my View set to Fullscreen Mode only and miss nothing.
  • Keyboard shortcuts
    • The new editor has some nifty keyboard shortcuts that speed up the writing process by letting you stay focused on writing. My most used shortcut is the forward slash/question mark key – ‘/’. Use it when you start a new block. It will put you into a block navigation menu. Start typing the name of the block and it will appear like a Google Auto Suggest. I use it mostly for a heading or images.

How about you? Are you using the new editor? Do you have any tips and tricks?


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