Kate and I got up this morning and got on the bikes. The time change last Sunday, to standard time, means that the sun is coming up an hour earlier, which means it is also warmer an hour earlier. So we hit the road a little after 7am and rode 6 miles into town for a coffee, no tarts were available this morning.
The temperatures have come back up a little bit, so it’s mid 30’s Fahrenheit in the mornings. In the shade that is kinda cold, but once the sun rises it gets warm quickly, especially when riding up hills. I like to be a little bit cold whenever starting a bike ride. That means when I start climbing hills I will warm up and feel just right.
The only thing I am not happy about being cold however, are my fingers. I tend to always wear full fingered gloves, even in the summer heat. When it gets cold I end up wearing my heavier gloves pretty quickly. My arms and legs can be cold as long as my fingers are comfortable. Even my toes can be a little cold and my attitude stays pretty positive. However, once my fingers get cold I get grumpy pretty quickly.
At the coffee shop we each had a small coffee, black. The local coffee roaster makes delicious coffee that doesn’t need any cream or sugar. Just coffee please. I think we had East Timor this morning but it doesn’t matter that much to me. As long as it is not decaf.
It takes about 30 minutes each way to ride to town or back to the house. There is slightly more elevation gain on the way home but only a little more. When we head into town we get a big decent to an elevation that is the same as town, but then we climb back up to almost the same elevation as our house before descending again into town. Heading home is a reversal with the climb then descent then a slightly bigger climb to the house. Overall, with coffee, we are looking at about a 1 hour and 15 minute ride at around 12 miles total distance.
Its a nice way to start the day and the week.
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