45 min Yoga chest and hip opening

I have been doing at least one yoga class a day on the Apple Fitness+ app since it came out Dec 14th 2020. I have discussed the app before and continue to be impressed with the quality and quantity of classes they keep outputting.

Today I did this 45 minute class with Jessica Skye which focused on movements that open the chest and hips. I think my favorite move is the ninja pose cause of the name and also cause its very challenging for me.

Yoga is something I started doing in 2003 when I needed something to counter sitting at a desk all day. That was also when I was doing phone support and sales, which was a pretty stressful job. Yoga helped me either prepare for the day or wind down at the end.

As I get older yoga has become more important to ensure I have full mobility. This will allow me to keep staying active and hopefully avoid injury. I know I mention wanting to get better at pullups but while we are away from home I am just focused on maintenance.


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