2021 Review



What a wild year. The sequel to 2020 ended up exceeding 2020 by a bit and it hasn’t slowed up as we head into 2022. The United States capitol building witnessed its largest physical attack since the War of 1812. The global pandemic of whatever COVID is now called continued to grow and mutate and keep on going.

On the positive side a lot of good and great things happened in 2021. We built a house and moved in! Our jobs are going really well. The James Webb space telescope was launched after 20 years of development and avoiding pirates.

On Jan 1 I wrote about my plans for the year. I hit a few and missed some others. I did not conquer the pull up, We did build a house. I did not quite achieve blogging everyday, but I did post in 10 of the 12 months! I only made two complete woodworking projects: a wall mounted lumber rack and some shelving for the garage. I exceeded my bike riding goal of 2600 miles with a total of 3141 miles! Finally I increased my volunteer time and effort with the Mancos Trails Group significantly.

Overall I am really happy with how I did with my goals. The main one was the house and I think just completing that would have been more than enough to satisfy me. I am glad that I was able to get some of the other goals as that meant I was able to distract myself from that huge project. Building a house is a really big goal and I am happy that we don’t have to do it again.


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