Perception: dim

Human life. Duration: momentary. Nature: changeable. Perception: dim. Condition of Body: decaying. Soul: spinning around. Fortune: unpredictable. Lasting Fame: uncertain. Sum Up: the body and its parts are a river, the soul a dream and mist, life is warfare and a journey far from home, lasting reputation is oblivion. Then what can guide us? Philosophy
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

I’m reading Meditations for the first time and it’s a good one for this time in my life. I took a substantial amount of philosophy classes at university. I was interested but my limited life experience meant a t was distant for me to comprehend. I understood the words but not necessarily the set and setting of them. Now I’m here and have experienced much more, merely from the passage of time. There have also been a few adventures and misadventures which have spiced up my understanding of life and philosophy.

Perception: dim


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